Wednesday, 17 February 1999

Voting Rights for Young and Prisoners Saved but Privacy Trammelled

Greens Senator Bob Brown says the Government has lost in attempts to
disenfranchise young people and prisoners.

"This is a victory for democracy, by backing Greens, ALP and Democrat
amendments stopping the Government closing the electoral rolls early before
an election, the Senate has protected the integrity of our electoral system.

The Senate has amended the Electoral and Referendum Amendment Bill  (No. 2)
1998 by blocking Government moves to close the electoral rolls early and
remove voting rights for all prisoners.

The Government had proposed that for all new electors the rolls would close
at 6pm on the day of the issue of the writ for an election.  

"It is estimated that some 80 000 new enrolments occur in the one week
period (that could have been eliminated under this legislation) before the
close of rolls in an election period.  

"The legislation also proposed removing voting rights for all people in
prison.  These measures ran counter to our obligations under the United
Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1991 Article
25(b) and the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights 1948
Article 21(1)," said Senator Brown..

"The legislation would have been racially discriminatory because Indigenous
Australians are vastly over-represented in prisons.

However, Senator Brown condemned the Coalition-ALP majority which voted to
give political parties access to the date-of-birth, gender and salutation
details of all registered voters - a move not supported by the Privacy
Commissioner who has said:

" Where personal information is collected compulsorily I consider that
additional uses or disclosers should only be authorised if there is a
significant and clearly demonstrated public interest  in that happening"

Further information: Ben Oquist 02 62773170 or 0419704095

Ben Oquist
Greens Senator Bob Brown
Parliament House, Canberra
Australia 2600
Ph: +2 6277 3170 Fx: +2 6277 3185
mobile: 0419704095


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