International Action Center
39 West 14th St., #206   New York, NY  10011
(212) 633-6646   fax: (212) 633-2889   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For Immediate Release                   Contact: Deirdre Sinnott/Sarah Sloan
Attention:  Assignment Editor                   (212) 633-6646
February 18, 1999

Protest the arrest of Abdullah Ocalan

The International Action Center (IAC), a U.S.-based anti-war,
anti-racist organization founded in 1992, issued a statement today
condemning the kidnapping of Abdullah Ocalan, leader of the Kurdish
freedom struggle, by the U.S.-backed NATO regime in Turkey.

"It is highly unlikely that the Turkish secret police could have
carried out this flagrantly illegal act of international kidnapping
without the backing and cooperation of the CIA and the Pentagon and
the Israeli Mossad which functions as a proxy for U.S. interests,"
said  Brian Becker, co-director of the IAC.

The U.S. military has long provided satellite information to help the
NATO Turkish military carry out brutal massacres of Kurdish people in
Turkey and northern Iraq. We must also remember that U.S. Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright called for Abdullah Ocalan to be handed over
to the bloody-handed regime in Ankara, falsely characterizing him as a

Becker continued, "This is a hypocritical lie.  Abdullah Ocalan and
the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) are being persecuted because they
lead a just struggle for self-determination and freedom from brutal
discrimination and oppression. They are fighting a regime that has
denied them the most elementary rights, including the right to speak
their own language.

"Washington's goal is to secure the control of the oil wealth of the
Middle East for U.S. oil monopolies. The U.S. government shares
responsibility for the slaughter of at least 15,000 Kurdish civilians
murdered by the Turkey's NATO military.  And it must also be held
responsible for the like of Abdullah Ocalan.

"We call for the immediate freedom of Abdullah Ocalan and for the
right of self-determination for the Kurdish people. We call on the
Turkish government to open negotiations with the Kurdistan Workers
Party and for the United States military and CIA to stop their
assistance to the Ankara regime's genocidal war against the Kurdish

Becker also compared the Turkish regime's discrimination against the
Kurdish people to the racist oppression of African American people in
the United States and the killings of Kurdish civilians by the Turkish
NATO military to the arbitrary shootings of Black youth by racist
police in the United States.

Noting that the IAC is among the initiators of the April 24
Philadelphia rally to free U.S. Black activist Mumia Abu-Jamal, Becker
compared the false accusations of "terrorism" against Kurdish leader
Ocalan to the false murder charges fabricated against Mumia by the
Philadelphia police department.

The IAC, which was founded in 1992 by former US Attorney General
Ramsey Clark, grew out of the movement opposing the U.S. war against
Iraq.  It has led campaigns to end the U.S. bombing of Iraq and to end
U.S.-imposed economic sanctions against the people of Iraq and Cuba.


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