An updated version of the forums at Gleebooks is below. The Research Office
newsletter which was just e-mailed to you was based on the 'Gleebooks
Gleaner' but one evening was double booked.  I'd love anyone to copy this
blurb onto other e-mail list serves.

The revised  titles and speakers are:


Gleebooks Forums
Social change and the new millenium

In the last two decades many of the verities of politics have been turned
on their head. The end of the Cold War has paralleled the rise of post
modern thinking. The experience of 13 years of Labor government has
disillusioned many. The  definition of the political spectrum as a
'Left-Right  division' is clearly much less relevant with social movement
which upset the boundaries of class, race, gender and which question
humanity's relationship to nature.

These two forums are a chance for those who want a thoughtful discussion of
issues facing the broad Left as it searches for a new role in the new
century.  A small entry fee covers drinks before hand.

What's Left?
Tuesday March 23
6.30 for 7pm                            at Gleebooks, 49 Glebe Pt Rd, Glebe


Ian Rogers -- editor of recent book, 'Out of the Rut' and longtime member
of the ALP and reporter on the Financial Review.
Eva Cox -- well known feminist and social theorist.
McKenzie Wark -- writer and commentator, author of the recent 'Celebrities,
Culture, Cyberspace'.

Social Change the new Millenium: Common ground?
 Tuesday March 30
6.30 for 7pm                            at Gleebooks, 49 Glebe Pt Rd, Glebe

The different movements for social change have things in common but can
they  work together more closely for common goals?

James Day  --   NSW secretary, Wilderness Society
Pat Ranald -- Public Sector Research Centre
Peter Colley,  --   Research Officer, Construction, Forestry, Mining and
Energy Union.



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