A big sale is on at the * New International Bookshop * ... Now's the time to
snatch up all those books you've been wanting to buy for ages!!

We are offering 33% off nearly all books in the shop. This means that there
are many bargains to be had - for both new and second-hand books.

We offer Left and progressive titles in a range of subject areas:
« aboriginal issues
« asian studies
« community development
« economics
« education
« English lit
« geography
« green issues
« history
« labour studies
« philosophy
« politics
« psychology
« social theory
  ALSO novels, poetry and short stories.

When you buy from the  * New International Bookshop *, your money goes back
into a project that actively supports those who are working for social
change. So hurry in soon ... sale ends 28 Sunday February.

The New International Bookshop is open 10.30 to 6.30 from Monday to
and 11.00 to 5.00 on Saturday and Sunday.  
Trades Hall, Cnr Victoria and Lygon Sts, Carlton  
Phone: (03) 9662 3744 or visit our website at www.nibs.org.au 



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