Wednesday 24 February 1999

The Democratic Socialists will be running an upper house (Legislative
Council) ticket and fielding candidates in 10 lower house (Legislative
Assembly) seats in the March 27 NSW elections (for platform, candidate
profiles and media statements, visit <>).
Other left organisations likely to field candidates are the Communist Party
of Australia and the Progressive Labour Party.

NSW Coalition leader Kerry Chikarovski shameless wielding of a $5.2 billion
electricity privatisation pork barrel confirms the total moral bankruptcy of
the major parties, DICK NICHOLS, the Democratic Socialists' lead candidate
for the Legislative Council, said in Sydney today.

While Labor Premier Carr has so far failed to force electricity
privatisation on his own party, the Coalition is offering householders $1000
or $1100 of shares from a possible $25-28 billion electricity privatisation.
The Coalition is also offering another $2.6 billion from the privatisation
proceeds for regional projects.

"Chikarovski is aping the most corrupt practices adopted by governments in
Eastern Europe and Russia to sell privatisation. Those governments have
wreaked social and economic vandalism and the Coalition threatens to do the
same here.

"Chikarovski thinks she can buy votes at $1000 a household, but people --
especially in regional NSW -- are well and truly sick of privatisation. They
know from bitter experience that it means you lose your local school,
hospital, post office, bank and  CES, and, if you haven't already, your job!

"Coalition and Labor government share a pro-privatisation agenda but they
are badly out of touch with public opinion today", said Nichols.

The Democratic Socialists, who obtained the ninth highest vote in last
year's  NSW Senate election, are campaigning for reversing the
Coalition-Labor privatisation drive. "Privatisation is theft and the public
has the right to resume ownership of of privatised assets with compensation
only to small shareholders."

  Dick Nichols, 53, has worked in the printing industry and
  on the railways, where he was the Secretary of the Combined
  Unions at Eveleigh Loco railway workshops. For many years
  he was involved in the struggle against the privatisation
  of railway workshop work and, as a branch councillor  for
  the Australian Railways Union (now Public Transport Union),
  also fought the anti-public transport policies of the Wran
  and Unsworth Labor  governments. He is presently the
  Democratic Socialists' national industrial convenor.

               For interviews contact Peter Boyle
                          02-9690 1230

           Democratic Socialists candidates for the
                      1999 NSW elections:

   Newcastle: Geoff Payne
   Campaign office: Resistance Centre, 19/509 Hunter
   Shopping Village, Newcastle. Tel: 02-4926 5328.

   Lismore: Bernie Wunsch
   Campaign office: Tel: 02-6622 0103

   Illawarra: Dr Margaret Perrott
   Wollongong: Angela Luvera
   Campaign office: Resistance Centre, 23 Central Chambers,
   cnr Crown St Mall & Church St, Wolongong. Tel: 02-4226

   Auburn: Shane Bentley
   Parramatta: Kylie Moon
   Campaign office: Resistance Centre, Suite 3, Railway
   Arcade, Darcy St, Parramatta. Tel: 02-9635 8449.

   Heffron: Dr Jim Green
   Marrickville: Dr Tuntuni Bhattacharyya
   Port Jackson: Marina Carman
   Strathfield: Stephanie Roper
   Campaign office: Resistance Centre, 23 Abercrombie St,
   Chippendale, NSW. Tel: 02-9690 1977.

   Legislative Council ticket: Dick Nichols, Dr Helen


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