Native Tile
UN Finding Damns Aust. Govt

The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
March 23rd, 1999. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
Subscription rates on request.

In a major embarrassment to the Howard Government, a special
United Nations Committee has found the Government's Native Title
Act to be in breach of the UN convention against racism, to which
Australia is a signatory.

It is the first such finding against a western Nation.

Members of an Australian delegation who testified before the UN
Committee for Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
(CERD), have now stated that: "The message to all Australians is
clear. The Native Title Act is a racist Act, and Aboriginal
Peoples are the victims of Government racism."

The UN found that the legislation:

1. does not protect the land ownership of Aboriginal peoples;

2. is clearly the instrument which increases the legal ownership
rights over land held by non-Aboriginal people, such as

3. increases the other land ownership rights to the corresponding
detriment of the Aboriginal Peoples;

4. in all instances where invalid titles occur through
duplication of ownership, prefers the interests in land of non-
Aboriginal people over the interests of Aboriginal people;

5. manifestly interferes with Aboriginal landowners' rights to
negotiate their interests over their land; and

6. does not have the informed consent of Aboriginal peoples.

The UN Convention was signed by a former Liberal Government in
1966. In 1997 the current Government was advised by the
Australian Law Reform Commission that the Act was in breach of
the Convention. The Commission's advice was almost exactly the
same as the CERD finding. (The Government at that time pressured
the Commission to withdraw from giving evidence to a
Parliamentary Committee and to refuse a Senate demand that the
advice be released.)

Left with no substantial legal argument that the Act was not in
breach of the Convention, the Howard Government has nevertheless
continued to defend the legislation, at one time describing
statements by church leaders that the Act breached the Convention
as having no factual basis.

Despite every indication that the UN would find against the
legislation, the Howard Government has now reacted with outrage
to the finding. Federal Attorney General Daryl Williams thundered
that: "the report is an insult to Australia in failing to
acknowledge that there's another side to the story".

Williams has refused to issue an invitation to CERD members to
visit Australia, and has indicated that the Government might
boycott a visit by them at the invitation of ATSIC, the Labor
Opposition and Democrats.

Giving a new twist to the idea that patriotism is the last refuge
of the scoundrel, Prime Minister Howard reacted to the UN finding
with the statement that "Australian laws are made by Australian
parliaments elected by the Australian people, not by UN

Greens Senator Dee Margetts has now called for the Government to
enter into new negotiations with Aboriginal people, and has given
notice of a motion to debate the issue in the Federal Senate, in
the light of the UN finding.

Senator Margetts has also criticised the Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Heritage Protection Bill, currently before the
Senate, stating that "This Bill is also discriminatory and will
undoubtedly bring further international condemnation of Australia
if it is not thrown out of the Senate."

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