The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
March 29th, 1999. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
Subscription rates on request.

The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia is an act of open and barbarous
aggression against an independent, sovereign country whose
borders are recognised by every government in the world. It has
been undertaken without the authority of the United Nations. It
is illegal.

Its aim is the dismemberment of Yugoslavia and the occupation of
all Balkan countries by NATO military forces.

It is the prelude to an eventual military attack on Russia, the
Ukraine and Belarus.

Yugoslavia has not committed any act of aggression against any of
her neighbours. It does not have one soldier outside its own
territory while US military and airforces are in Macedonia,
Croatia, Bosnia, Hungary, Greece and many other countries in
Europe and other parts of the world.

The world's biggest nuclear power of 272 million people, together
with the snivelling European governments of NATO, are bombing a
small mainly agricultural country of about 10 million people. The
real crime of the Yugoslavs is that they refused to bow to US

The real war-criminals are Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright, US
Defence Secretary William Cohen, British PM Tony Blair, Schroeder
of Germany and the other compliant government leaders of NATO

During the Vietnam War, General Curtis Lemay declared that the
aim of the US airforce was to bomb Vietnam "back to the Stone

Is this now the objective in Yugoslavia?

Using the excuse of an ethnic conflict in the Yugoslav province
of Kosovo (which has been deliberately stirred up by the western
powers), the bombing is justified by references to "human rights"
and allegations of the persecution of ethnic Albanians living in

The western powers care nothing for the fate of ethnic Albanians
any more than they care for the millions of Kurds who have been
persecuted by the Turkish Government which is also a member of

When 100,000 indigenous people were slaughtered in Guatemala
(which has been confirmed by a recent report) there were no
denunciations, no bombing of Guatemala. Why? Because the death-
squads were trained, financed and armed by the CIA and other US

It is worthwhile recalling that Hitler used the excuse of the
alleged persecution of the Sudeten Germans living in
Czechoslovakia to invade that country in the lead up to World War

Earlier in their program of dismembering Yugoslavia, which has
always been a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state, the western
powers have incited separatist sentiments, first with the
Croatians, then the Muslims of Bosnia, followed by the
Slovenians. They were successful in setting one ethnic group
against another or one religious group against another.

This dirty game has been played time and again to divide nations
and weaken them so that the big powers can impose their rule.

But condemnation of the NATO aggression and anti-NATO
demonstrations are flaring around the world (See references in
the Editorial page 2).

Russia has broken off relations with NATO and expelled its two
representatives in Moscow.

Foreign Minister Ivanov said, "We cannot now have any contact
with the leaders of NATO until the aggression against Yugoslavia
has stopped".

A Russian resolution in the UN Security Council was predictably
defeated but it is the western powers which are flagrantly
violating the UN Charter.

Members of the Russian Duma are calling for military assistance
to Yugoslavia and for the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons
in neighbouring Belarus. The Ukrainian Government is also
reconsidering its decision to become nuclear weapon free.

The Chinese Government has strongly denounced the bombing.

China's representative at the UN said: "Any military action
against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia without the
authorisation of the UN Security Council will be a severe
violation of the UN Charter and the established principles of
international law. Such action will not be accepted by the
international community."

"The question of Kosovo is an internal matter. The Chinese
Government believes that it should be settled politically through
dialogues on the basis of respect for the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of Yugoslavia and the guarantee of the
legitimate rights and interests of the ethnic groups in the


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