Germans heading deserters' columns

Skopje, April 9, 1999 (abridged) -
Announcement of possible ground
attack on Yugoslavia by NATO
troops stationed in Macedonia,
caused uneasiness among the alliance
soldiers, therefore many of them
decided to desert to Greece and

According to reliable sources,
German soldiers are heading the
deserting columns. The have
obviously learned the history and know that they 
have never returned from
Serbia as the winners, of they returned at all.

It is hard to establish the exact number of deserters, 
but the sources in the Macedonian army, diplomacy, and doctors
and taxi drivers, say that a large amount of around 15,000 soldiers
of the Clinton's army sought the salvation in Greece and Bulgaria.

 Similarly to the escape of the French
 soldiers from Kumanovo to Bulgaria, the
 Germans are fleeing Tetovo. They are
 buying civilian clothes, then take cabs to
 Greece and Bulgarian borders.

 The customs officers say that after
 massive deserting, NATO's officers
 took control of the border crossings.
 However, it happened that even the
 officers and non-commissioned officers
 in charge of preventing escape, were
 deserting themselves.

The paper VERDENS GANG in Norway confirms reports of bodybags already 
arriving in the US and Germany. It says Macedonian customs officials 
discovered coffins with bodies of German and American servicemen during
a routine check-up at a crossing point into Greece. The paper cites 
eyewitness reports from the area. 

Related link: War Resisters League
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