BRISBANE -- ``Socialism into the New Millennium'' is to be the title of a
conference organised by the Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance here
over the ANZAC Day long weekend. ``The conference will explore a wide range
of political struggles and ideas crucial to the socialist movement today'',
said Jim McIlroy, DSP Brisbane secretary.   

One feature panel is ``Indonesia: the unfinished revolution''. Noted
Indonesian academics Gerry van Klinken, editor of Inside Indonesia, and
Greg Pulgrain will join Nick Fredman from the DSP to discuss the road ahead
for the Indonesian people in their struggle for a just and democratic

The lessons of the MUA's fight for survival against the attack of Patrick
Stevedores and the federal Liberal government last year is the subject of
the second feature panel. Dick Nichols, national industrial organiser of
the Democratic Socialist Party, will discuss trade union strategy and
tactics with Mark Walker, Transport Workers Union organiser in Brisbane,
and a special guest from the Martime Union of Australia.   

With the federal government's attacks on students through ``voluntary
student unionism'' legislation, Resistance is organising a feature panel
``Fight VSU! Fight the Liberals!''. Speakers will include Kate Carr,
Griffith University Student Representative Council joint education officer,
and Peter Robson, Queensland National Union of Student education committee
member and a Resistance member.   

Strategies for women's liberation will be discussed in a feature panel
``Time to get angry again -- women's rights under attack''.   

The weekend will conclude by considering the way for working-class and
progressive forces to move ahead with a discussion of socialist strategy
into the next century.   

Among the wide range of topics covered by workshops at the conference are
``From Kurdistan to Kosova: US imperialism today'' and ``Asian economies in
crisis: an eyewitness account''.   

All interested in participating or wanting to find out more about the
conference are invited to obtain a full agenda and register by contacting
the Brisbane Resistance Centre. 




Introduction - 10:30am  

Karen Fletcher - long time feminist activist & DSP member will welcome
conference participants and introduce the key themes of the weekend

Feature Panel - 11:00am 

Indonesia: the unfinished revolution

Greg Poulgrain, Research Fellow QUT & author of 'The Genesis of
Konfrontasi' will cover 'The destruction of the PKI 
and the rise of Indonesia's New Order Dictatorship' 

Gerry Van Klinken, Senior Lecturer at Griffith University & editor of
'Inside Indonesia' will discuss 'The Suharto-Habibie Transition: has
anything changed?' 

and Nick Fredman, Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) organiser in Lismore
will finish with 'The PRD and the Democratic Opposition: what strategy for
democracy in Indonesia?'

Lunch - 1:00pm 

Workshops - 2:00pm 

East Timor must be free!
Alfonso Corte Real, East Timorese Community activist & Dani Coulson,
Resistance activist, discuss the challenges facing  
East Timor's independence movement.

The history of the anti-uranium movement   
Andy Gianniotis, Jabiluka Action Group & DSP activist, explores the history
of the movement against uranium mining in Australia and the prospects for
victory today against the Jabiluka mine, Bila Kalina waste dump, and other
proposed new mines.   

>From Kurdistan to Kosovo: US imperialism today.
Nick Everett, DSP National Committee member, looks at role palyed by the US
under the guise of paeace-keepig. A positive solution to the crises, or a
new form of imperialst domination?

Feature Panel - 3:00pm 

Lessons of the MUA struggle
Dick Nichols, DSP National Industrial organiser, Mark Walker, Transport
Workers Union organiser, together with Graham Bell, Maritime Union of
Australia & DSP member, discuss the implications of last year's attack on
the MUA by the Liberal government and the future of militant trade unionism
in Australia.   

Dinner & Film Night - 6:00pm  


Feature Panel - 10:00am 

Fight VSU! Fight the Liberals!
Kate Carr, Griffith University Co-Education Officer, and Peter Robson,
National Union of Students Education Committee member and Resistance
activist, discuss the current state of the student movement in its fight
against the latest government attack on student unions - Voluntary Student
Unionism (VSU) 

Workshops - 11:30am 

The Origins of Women's Oppression
Jenni Mays, DSP member, explores the origins of the oppression of women and
the implication for strategies for women's liberation today. 

Did Leninism lead to Stalinism?
Mike Byrne, DSP member, revists the  debate on whether Lenin's concept of
the revolutionary party led to the Stalinist nightmare of the Soviet Union.
How should left activists relate to Leninism today?   

Asian Economies in Crisis: an eyewitness account
Tim Stewart, DSP National Committee member recently returned from Thailand
and Cambodia, will give an account of the failure of the so-called Asian
'tiger' economies.   

Lunch - 1:00pm 

Feature Panel - 2:00pm 

Time to get Angry Again - women's rights under attack
Una Liddy, from Queensland Women's Interest Coalition will speak on a
straegy for furthering the progressive position of women in Queensland.   

Ruth Ratcliffe, Brisbane Resistance organiser, will look at the issues,
campaigns and debates informing contemporary  feminism.  

Workshops - 3:30pm 

Cuba, Latin America & the Legacy of Che Guevara
Lynda Hansen, Committees in Solidarity with Latin America and the Carribean
(CISLAC) activist and DSP member, look at the role and influence of the
Cuban revolution now in its 41st year, on evolutionary moements in Latin
America today.   

White Australia has a black history: racism in Australia Andrea  
Marklew and Martin Shenke, Resistance activists, look at the history of
Aboriginal oppression from past to present. What are the origins of racism?
How do we defeat it?   

Introduction to the Democratic Socialist Party & the Left 
Jody Betzien, DSP member, explores the Australian left and the role of the

Feature Talk - 5:00pm 

Socialism into the New Millenium
Graham Matthews, Brisbane DSP organiser, considers some critical
experiences of the socialist movement in the 20th century and discusses the
features of contemporary international socialist renewal. Are we still
faced with the choice of socialism or barbarism, or has capitalism begun to
solve its problems?  


All conference talks are to be held at the Resistance Centre, 29 Terrace
St, New Farm 4005. 

For further information: phone (07) 3254 0565 



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