Attention: Activists - Tune in & Pass it On 

Key Social Justice Speakers on Alternative Radio
including Sister Helen Prejean speaking on  -Death Row -
for Alternative Radio USA on 2XX Community Radio 1008AM
9:00am Thursday 29 April

Sister Helen Prejean is the guest speaker on this Thursday edition of
Alternative Radio USA brought to you by Community Radio 2XX. 

Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Sister Helen Prejean is a very lively nun who
talks about both sides of the tragedy of murder, serving as spritual
counsellor to death row inmates and the families of victims.  She is the
author of the best selling book Dead Man Walking, based on her experiences
transgressing the Death Row and civil society divide. The book was made
into a Hollywood movie of the same name.
Mahatma Ghandi said " An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind". No one
seems so blind toward capital punishment as Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, China
and the United States  - the only five countries to withhold their vote in
the United Nations for a moratorium on the death penalty. An Amnesty
International investigation concluded that the death penalty in the United
States is applied arbitrarily and is subject to bias based on the
defendant's race and economic status.  

In this address recorded by David Barsamian for Alternative Radio USA,
Sister Helen Prejean examines the practice of capital punishment, drawing
on life stories from Death Row and the  detail of Amnesty International
investigations in the United States.

Alternative Radio USA is produced weekly in Denver, Colorado and broadcast
by Community Radio 2XX each Thursday morning following the 9:00am 2XX News

Alternative Radio USA brings leading critical thinkers,  authors and
activists recorded on left progressive speaking  tours of  North America to
an international audience though a weekly, hour long, key note address
broadcast on community radio stations through out the English speaking world.

For further information phone Maeve Wingate, 6247 4082

2XX - People Powered Community Radio



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