A mile stone in the PEACE PROCESS on Bougainville was achieved today
with the formal election of the President of the newly established,
Bougainville Peoples Congress.

The honorable President, Mr Joseph Canisius Kabui, was elected with an
overwhelming majority of 77 votes.  His nearest rival, his fellow
co-chairman and former ex-Premier Gerard Sinato, scored only 10 votes.
The total number of Congress men and women voting was 87.

The scene after the voting was explosive with great jubilation as the
Congress men and women saw the installment of a new President signaling
a new dawn for the Bougainville people.

Mr Kabui thanked the Congress men and women, the people of Bougainville,
the United Nations, the Peace Monitoring Group, and N.G.O.s involved in
the peace process on Bougainville.

Mr Kabui said, "The election of the Bougainville Peoples Congress and
the installment of myself as its President is a victory for people,
victory for democracy, victory for peace, victory for reconciliation and
victory for development and progress for not only the people of
Bougainville but for the region as a whole".

He said he felt honored and humble for being appointed as the President
of the Bougainville Peoples Congress (BPC) and said that he was
committed to lasting peace and for a lasting political settlement for
the people of Bougainville.  He also said,
"This is only the beginning of a long road, but a corner stone and
foundation for a new Bougainville has already been planted".

He called for honesty, trust and respect on all parties including his
own Congress men and women and also the four Bougainville
parliamentarians including Mr John Momis.
Mr Kabui paid tribute to the work of the Peace Monitoring Group, the
United Nations, churches, the Skate government, International
Humanitarian Agencies and Non-Governmental Organisations involved in the
peace process on Bougainville.

When the Congress resumed at 2.00pm today, the international community
witnessing the swearing in of the Bougainville Peoples Congress and the
election of the President congratulated the people of Bougainville in
the setting up of their congress and the inaugural President.  The
representative of the Peace Monitoring Group was Commander Willis and
His Excellency Ambassador Sinclair was the United Nations

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