Canberra: STOP THE GST!

Emergency Rally Friday 4 June
1pm, Union Court, ANU

**Details to be confirmed Tuesday. Rally supported by National Union of
Students, ANU Education Action Group, Students' Association, Socialist
Worker, ANU Left Labor Club, Greens.

**Any further endorsements are welcome/needed. Trades & Labour Council &
individual trade unions are being rung to endorse rally.

**If anyone can help build this rally, posters will be ready by Tuesday.
Please email me directly if you'd like to put some up. Also, if you can
organise trade union endorsements ASAP, please get back to me.

**Donations needed to organise bus(es) to Democrats Headquarters in Barton.


Also: Socialist Worker meeting
'Explaining the Crisis: Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution', 1pm Thursday 3
June, Hayden Allen G052 (near Tank), ANU.

Amrita Malhi



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