No, it's the Canadians who are the pussycats.

Trudy Bray

michael pace wrote:

> I heard that according to Canadians,were classed as pussycats.
> Peter Hazel wrote:
> >
> > I seem to recall
> > howard saying
> > if we sell telstra we will be abler to afford to fix the environment
> > and fix the murray!
> >
> > well ok
> >
> > so wheres the fix?
> >
> > short memories, my friend as the bald bard said
> >
> > shame australia
> > shame howard
> >
> > shame on us all.
> >
> > demand the cash
> > it was promised
> >
> >
> > time to pay up you classes who benefit unnecessarily from others pain and
> > want.
> > you only need enough
> > let everyone have enough.
> > ennough is different for everyone.
> > How can the rich lose?
> > they have to die too.
> > you can only drive one car
> > eat one meal
> > love one woman
> > at a time
> >
> > the secret is hidden tho
> > it is
> > if you have ears to hear
> > that grief and glad are alotted
> > to each man according to his
> > just deserts
> >
> > unrepealable law, like gravity.
> >
> > you'll get what you deserve.
> >
> > death awaits you and me.
> >
> > oops. sorry for the rant.
> > keep up the good work.
> >
> > Peter Hazel
> >

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