Dear Friends,
I am writing to ask you if you, or someone known to you, can assist the
women of Wirrimanu Aboriginal Community in Australia to buy a vehicle so
that they can access their ancestral lands for ceremonial purposes and to
gather bush foods.

Wirrimanu is one of the last Aboriginal communities to have contact with
kartiya (whites) - only 40 years ago - and as such enjoys a very strong
connection with its lands and ancestral teachings.

The senior Law women of Kapululangu Aboriginal Women's Association are
custodians of traditional women's lore that needs to be sustained,
protected and maintained.

They need to access their "country" - to practice their cultural and
religious beliefs, to keep the Tjukurrpa (or Dreaming) alive; to teach the
younger generations; to gather foods to improve their health.

But to do this they need to have a vehicle that is capable of carrying them
safely into some of Australia's most isolated and difficult desert regions.

This car will cost $A35,000 to buy and $A5,000 to maintain and run for one
year. This is a total of $40,000 (Australian) which is equivalent to
$26,000 (US).

Raising funds for buying the vehicle is the biggest problem facing the
women because many government bodies and other funders in Australia are
unwilling to pay out for a vehicle. This is despite the reality ownership
of a vehicle being the item most essential to enabling the women to achieve
their responsibility to maintain their culture.

Could you assist the women by either making a donation of however much you
can afford; or by asking your friends to make a donation; or arranging for
an organisation to make a donation?

If so, we would really like to hear from you.

It is best if you can donate directly into our bank account - details
below. If you do that please send us an email or letter telling us what you
have done.

More information is available - just ask.

Our bank account details are:

Bank Name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Bank Address: Booth Street, Annandale, NSW 2038, Australia
Account Number: 062 102 1005 2883
Account Name: "Pacific Connections"
Our email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This request for assistance is being sent out on 9 June 1999 by
Zohl de Ishtar
Coordinator, Kapululangu Aboriginal Women's Association
Pacific Connections, PO Box 172, Annandale, NSW 2038, Australia

Zohl de Ishtar

Pacific Connections
Women for a Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific (Australia)
International Peace Bureau, Oceania Representative
Hague Appeal for Peace, Coordinator for the Pacific
Abolition 2000 - Global Council, Pacific and Australia

PO Box 172, Annandale 2038, Australia.
Tel: +61 (0)2 96603670 Email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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