The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
July 14th, 1999. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
Subscription rates on request.

By Anna Pha

On Thursday July 8, CFMEU Mining and Energy Division union
delegates from the Hunter Valley, Oakdale, Gordonstone and the
Illawarra travelled to Sydney to join a protest rally against the
Howard Government's second installment of union busting
legislation -- the "second wave". This second wave legislation
consists of a group of Bills to further strip back awards, reduce
wages and conditions, permit unfair dismissals, take away basic
trade union rights, and make it easy for employers to force
workers onto individual contracts.

They were joined in the rally by building workers, retired
mineworkers, students and others who had walked off the job to
take part. The Mining delegates represent mineworkers who remain
under attack from the Government's first wave legislation.

"Today is one of the first shots in a campaign over the next six
weeks that the labour movement is going to run up and down the
country to try and block Reith's second wave legislation", John
Sutton, National Secretary of the Construction and General
Division of the CFMEU told Thursday's rally outside the union's
offices in Sydney.

Protesters wore yellow stickers carrying the number 23.4 -- a
reminder of Article 23.4 of the United Nations Universal
Declaration on Human Rights which Reith's laws violate.

Article 23.4 states:

"Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the
protection of his/her interests."

Individual contracts

In Melbourne at the same time as the Sydney action more than 700
workplace delegates were meeting.

The Melbourne meeting, called by the Victorian Trades Hall
Council (VTHC), discussed Reith's second wave of legislation
which the VTHC has dubbed the "Individual Contract"

VTHC Secretary Leigh Hubbard told the meeting that Reith's
legislation heralded cuts to wages, the end of permanent
employment and the removal of the award safety net for many
thousands of workers.

The meeting endorsed the holding of a state-wide stop-work and
rally on August 12 and issued a warning to the Australian
Democrats that doing a deal with the Government to pass the
regressive legislation would lead to a strong union campaign
against them in the next elections.

After the meeting the delegates took their protest out into the
streets and marched on Liberal Party headquarters.

Meanwhile in Sydney the protesters marched to the Australian
Industrial Relations Commission to demonstrate against the
Commission's failure to deliver justice to sacked Gordonstone

On July 5 the ACTU convened a meeting of Federal unions which
unanimously endorsed a campaign strategy involving a series of
protests in every State and Territory leading up to the
legislation being put to Parliament.

In addition to the planned rally in Victoria, there will be major
rallies in Western Australia (August 10); South Australia (August
11); Queensland (August 18); NSW (August 24); Tasmania (August
25); Canberra (August 26); Northern Territory (August 26).

The legislation is expected to enter the Senate in the Spring
Session which begins on August 9.

The ACTU is calling on union members and concerned members of the
community to attend the rallies. Leaflets and other material are
being prepared for wide distribution.

Legislation can be defeated

The second wave legislation can be defeated with an all out
campaign. The Democrats, who now hold the balance of power in
their own right in the Senate, have said that they would reject
the legislation unless it is substantially amended.

They are calling for a "wide ranging" Senate Inquiry into the
effectiveness of the 1996 Workplace Relations law.

It is important to let the Democrats know how much harm this
legislation would do to workers and their families if it is

This legislation cannot be fixed up by tinkering with the edges
as the Democrats tried to do with the first wave legislation. It
must be rejected in its totality. Write now to the Democrats.

The Guardian  65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. 2010


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