From: tony Eatrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Those at Q.C. were hopefully challenged to broaden their idea of queer 
issues from those which are the priority for the wealthy and white. 
Victorians especially please read on. (For others Sunshine is a poor 
suburb; high unemployment, low income, lots of new migrants including 

The Bad News
The Victorian State Liberal Government are changing the agreements 
organisations sign to run rooming houses and other supported accommodation 
in the state. Under the new agreements rent will be raised 25% and only 
people on health care cards will be eligible. This will make it harder for 
homeless people to move out of poverty. As many young people are made 
homeless by their parents responses to their sexuality/gender issues or 
need to leave home in order to safely come out I consider this a 
particularly "queer" issue.

The Good News
The Sunshine Rooming House at 16 Ridley St. Sunshine which provides youth 
accommodation is refusing to sign the new agreement. They may be the only 
place that will take a stand. They are planning a protest for Wednesday 
28th July (Rally and Sausage Sizzle)at 16 Ridley St. Sunshine, Between 
12noon and 2pm. If there is no broad support then it will be a simple 
matter for the government to hand management to a new body that will sign.

The Great News
I will be there and would love to know if others would like to get together 
to paint a banner (perhaps meeting at RMIT, Melbourne) such as Rent 
Increases Keep Queer Kids in Unsafe Homes (alright a bit long) or Queer 
Kids Kicked Out by Kennet!

Anyone with contacts in politics, media, or unions please see if they want 
to become involved (even just a statement of support in a press release 
would be great)
Please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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