Participation and Protection in the Privatised State


The Consumer Law Centre Victoria is holding a conference to examine 
participation by, and protection of, the community at a time when so many 
traditionally government owned services have been, or are being, 
privatised.  Topics include: What is the privatised State? What are the 
costs and benefits of privatisation?  How do citizens participate in the 
privatised State? What protections are available in the privatised 
State?  How are they accessed?  Do they work?  Speakers and panel members 

Allan Asher, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
Jo Benvenuti, Investigations and Policy, Energy Industry Ombudsman Victoria
Michael Funsten, Consumer Credit Legal Centre (NSW)
Amanda George, Brimbank Community Legal Centre
Terry Laidler, 3LO Radio
Tim Lee, Australian Services Union
Gavin McFadzean, The Wilderness Society 
Barbara Romeril, Financial & Consumer Rights Council
Joseph O'Reilly, City of Moreland
Lou Schetzer, National Children's and Youth Law Centre
John Tamblyn, Regulator-General, Victoria       

This will be an invaluable opportunity for managers and staff of community 
agencies, academics, students and other advocates to hear from, and 
question, those involved in designing, participating in, or commentating 
upon, the privatised State.

The conference will be held on Friday 30 July 1999 between 9.00am and 
4.00pm at Level 12, 300 Flinders Street, Melbourne (the Victoria University 
building).  Registration commences at 8.30am.

Community Sector        $70.00
Unemployed/student      $35.00
All others (including government/business) $165.00
(Registration fee includes morning and afternoon tea and lunch)

Please register by completing the form below (cheques should be made 
payable to "The Consumer Law Centre Victoria") and send to Jane Douglas, 
Consumer Law Centre Victoria GPO Box 2786Y, Melbourne, 3001.  Registration 
will also be accepted by fax on 9629 6898 or email at 
Name: ___________________________________
Fee enclosed:______________________________
Contact Address:___________________________
Contact Phone No.:_________________________



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