Board Rescinds Closure Motion...
Local Community wins a victory
20 July 1999        Report by Takver

At its monthly meeting, the Board of the Moreland Community Health Service 
decided to rescind its decision to close the medical service. More than 40 
members of the community were present at the announcement of the decision. 
This followed an hour of public discussion between the board and concerned 
members of the community and an hour of private discussion by the board.

A community campaign had built momentum with a 10 day community picket, a 
well attended public meeting on July 7 of more than 300 people which passed 
resolutions unanimously to maintain the medical service, and the 
establishment of weekly meetings of Save Our Community Medical Service.

It is now important for the community and the Board to work together to 
find solutions and find a way to keep and expand our community medical 
service. The Service is presently looking for another doctor.....

The Save Our Community Medical Service will continue to meet weekly on 
Tuesdays at 7.00pm at Warr Park Community Centre, DeCarle St, Brunswick, 
and will hear weekly reports from our representatives on the working party. 
All welcome. We are also organising public rallies on community health 
funding, and will be trying to organise a delegation to the State and 
Federal Health Ministers.

This is a significant victory for the Moreland Community. Now we have an 
opportunity to find a way to keep our medical service open and to take up 
funding issues with the State and Federal Government.

  Takver's Soapbox:
  War on the Wharfies - Radical Tradition, an Aussie History Page
  Visit the People's Justice Alliance:


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