Call for Contributions

Call for visual images (drawings, photographs, cartoons, linocuts) and/or 
creative writing (poems, songs, short stories - to a maximum of 1200 words) 
for consideration for inclusion in a special journal issue on Sexual 
Politics and Trade Unions. The journal will also include articles relating 
to the themes of women's identity in unions; sexual politics; male 
resistance to women's organising; new models of organising in difficult 
times; the future for gender and/in unions.

Works selected for publication will receive payment. Copyright remains with 
the author/artist.

Please send colour or black and white reproductions (photocopies,
photographs or slides) only in the first instance to
13 Lanor Ave
SA 5034
with full contact details to arrive by Friday 20 August.
No responsibility can be taken for original artwork.
If you need more information please email


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