A Luta Continua English Newsletter - http://come.to/luta

See today at http://come.to/luta

The Indigenous Knowledge Programme

Riga: four environmental activists managed to chain themselves to the
partially completed Butinge oil terminal

Newport News shipyard workers end four-month walkout

Humanity's impact on the earth equals the 5 mass extinctions of past
geologic history

Big Brothers, big eaters: Yahoo to buy the ExciteAtHome

Mandelaism: 'Whites earn 5 times more`

Campaign: Target The Mexican Consulate Near You

The new Noskes saga: German Laborers Challenge Social Democrats' Right Turn

Thousands of K-P-F-A supporters rallied in Berkeley

Russian Energy Workers Strike For Unpaid Wages

Anarchists are reviving an institution of the 60s counterculture--the free
school in which anyone may teach and there are no entrance requirements

KLA behind violence against serbs


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