Green Left Weekly,
        Issue #372
      August 18, 1999

Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from
an environmental and left perspective.

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THE PEOPLE MUST ELECT THE PRESIDENT Those on both sides of the
official republican debate agree on one thing: in the November 6
referendum, voters shouldn't have a chance to vote for what they
favour, direct election of the president. We suggest a method by
which we can make known our demand for greater democracy.


Republic yes, but not a `safe and conservative' one

Rejecting a phony choice

Putting the mates back in the preamble


Violence jeopardises ballot in East Timor

East Timor: Will the ballot stop the bloodshed?

ASIET clubs set up on campus

Left unity falters in Hobart

Tom and Nicole nude: big deal

Brighton High film screening

Cunt or vagina?

High school students: a radical history


Workers rally against Reith's `second wave'

News briefs

Indonesian unionists' tour off to good start

Big rallies against Badgerys Creek airport

10 reasons to stop Badgerys Creek airport

Rally for abortion rights

ACT forced to negotiate with bursars

Anti-choice campaigner tours

ACT teachers mobilise

Action updates

NSW TAFE faces the axe

Coalminers strike for workers' entitlements

Opposition grows to M5 `death stack'

Dorf and Beauty Ware picketers defiant

  Pangea campaign begins

  Firefighters suspend action

Nurses refuse to close ward

CPSU tax section council debates `second wave'

Solidarity in northern NSW

  Aborigines call for preamble to include their sovereignty


Organising the working class
Wrecking the oceans
  Immigration: for an open-door policy
Botanical congress predicts disaster


A night with Falintil
Canadian nurses lead the way
  Indonesian activist undaunted by attack
  Climate change impacts on Arctic
Y2K nuclear warning
Megawati, Habibie and political alternatives
Anarchists attack Czech left
India:`We may drown, but we will not move'
Pakistanis protest on Hiroshima Day
Indonesian oil workers win strike
Indonesian army stokes violence in Aceh
Timor: `We need to mobilise people's power'
Kargil war: a post-mortem
Kosova: towards partition?


The pain of crossed paths
Working-class love -- Loach style
Garvarghy Road: A community's heroic resistance
Skin-deep beauty
  Leninism and the history of the left On the box


Life of Riley: The very latest draft
and ain't I a woman: Gender roles for sale
Loose cannons
Looking out: Sex and education
Write on: Letters to the editor
Chris Kelly cartoon


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