the Stick Together Show
week beginning: 16/8/99
Duration:               27'
Starts:         With Theme
Ends:                   As per usual with outro & theme

National community radio's weekly look at the stories, the struggles, and
the strength of working people in Australia and around the world. The Stick
Together Show is produced at the studios of 3CR, with the assistance of the
Search Foundation. For details of where you can hear the program, see end
of page.

Work & sex tourism in the Phillipines - Sex workers around the world face
exploitation, poor working conditions, & a lack of legal & other
protections. One of the most notorious sex industries is the sex tourism
market, where men from countries such as Australia travel to the
Phillipines, Thailand & many other destinations in search of the ultimate
sexual experience. With them they take their own swag of cultural myths &
racist stereotypes about the women they seek out.

Cecilia Hofmann [Coordinator of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
- Asia Pacific] & Melvi Gelacio [Coordinator of BUKAL - an organisation
working with women in street prostitution in metro Manilla] talk about the
reality of prostitution for women working in the sex tourism industry in
the Phillipines.

[This program was produced & first broadcast in 1998 during a tour of
Australia by Cecilia & Melvi. A number of changes have taken place in the
Phillipines since then but the issues spoken about in this interview remain
equally as important today.]

For information / with information contact the producers:
Julia Scott and Meredith Butler
phone - (03) 9419 8377
fax - (03) 9417 2247
e-mail - [EMAIL PROTECTED] [please mark: "attention: stick together
post - STG, c/o 3CR, PO Box 1277, Collingwood 3066.

Where you can hear the show...Melbourne, on 3CR 855am, Friday at 8.30am,
repeated Monday at 6am - Canberra, on 2XX, Tuesdays at 6pm - Katoomba, on
2BLU, Wednesdays at 5.30pm - Omeo, on 3HCR, Tuesdays at 6pm - Adelaide, on
5UV, Wednesdays at 2pm - Sydney, on 2SER. Wednesdays at 8pm - Brisbane, on
4ZZZ, Thursdays at 12.30pm - Woomera, on 5RRR - Perth, on 6RTR - Alice
Springs, on 8CCC - Gippsland, on 3GCR


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