-------- Original Message --------
Subject: DFAT Public hearing in Melbourne
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 17:19:49 +1000
From: "Alan Griffiths" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has published 
on the web a detailed issues paper in connection with a series of public 
hearings (yet to be scheduled) in all capital cities during September.

The paper is available at 

An earlier intention to produce this in July was apparently frustrated by 
the need to plan a defence against a big volume of critical submissions 
from civil society - and by the sudden resignation of the Department's 
senior minister (and deputy prime-minister) Tim Fischer.

The consultations are introduced at 

The following is the text of a media release by new Trade Minister Mark Vaile:

25 August 1999

WTO Public Hearings to be Held Next Month

Trade Minister, Mark Vaile, today launched a process of public hearings to 
help refine Australia's negotiating position for a new round of trade 
negotiations in the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Mr Vaile said the hearings, to start next month (September), would provide 
a unique opportunity for people in all States and territories interested in 
trade to exchange views with Australia's most senior trade negotiators.

"This underlines my commitment to the principles of transparency and 
consultation in the formation of our multilateral trading policies."

"The Government has been a leading advocate of a new WTO round because it 
will be the best means of securing a better deal for our farmers and 
exporters of manufactures and services," Mr Vaile said.

"The views of the public will play an important role in sharpening our 
market access strategies and in defining our position on the various other 
issues that have been proposed for negotiation in the WTO."

Public hearings will be held in capital cities in all States and 
territories plus the key regional centres of Ballarat, Dubbo, Port 
Macquarie and Bundaberg. Dates and venues will be notified through notices 
in the press and on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade web page: 

This is another stage in the process of public consultations launched in 
February by Tim Fischer. That first stage resulted in over 130 written 
submissions from State Governments, industry representatives and members of 
the public from all parts of the country.

An Issues Paper, summarising the views made in those submissions, was 
released today and is available on the DFAT web page. It is being sent to 
all those who made written submissions and is available on request to 
people without Internet access. Department Contact is: Steve Moran tel 02 
6261 2980.

The new WTO round is expected to be launched at the WTO Ministerial 
Conference in Seattle, November 30 to December 3.

For further information contact:
Minister - Bruce Mills (02) 6277 7420
Department - Tony Melville / Mark Croxford (02) 6261 1555/6


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