Campaign for an Independent East Timor
                             (South Australia) Inc.
Affiliated to the International Federation for East Timor, the East Timor
Relief Association, the Australian Coalition for a  Free East Timor and the
Australia East Timor Network
c/o Development Education Centre
                        first floor Torrens House
                        220 Victoria Square

1 September 1999

Mr Kofi Annan
Secretary General
United Nations
New York City
New York State


Your Excellency,


The UN is to be congratulated for the conduct of the referendum in East
Timor on 30 August. Special tribute must be paid to the dedication and
courage of the UNAMET personnel who administered the ballot under very
dangerous circumstances.

However, great accolades must go to the East Timorese people themselves.
Over the past 24 years, about a third of the population (250,000 - 300,000
have perished because of Jakarta's illegal invasion and occupation. Despite
this and with virtually no material support from outside, this heroic
people maintained a constant, courageous and determined struggle in their
quest for freedom. Then they were forced to vote for independence in
extremely adverse and dangerous circumstances. It was basically good luck
that more people did not die on the day.

To have had to vote under these dangerous circumstances was extremely
callous and unfair to a people who have suffered greatly. The UN and the
international community should have insisted that the Indonesian military,
its militias and its "police" should have been evacuated and that the
regime had nothing to do with the referendum process. This would have
prevented the loss of so many lives in the lead-up to the ballot.

The referendum is only one step along the road to achieving peace and
independence, however.

The reason for the lack of peace at present is the continued presence of
those very same groups - the Indonesian army, its militias  and its
"police". The militias are nothing more than armed criminals and thugs that
are attempting to thwart freedom. The "police" until this year were part of
the Indonesian Army (TNI). They have largely stood by and done nothing to
prevent militia violence during the lead-up to the referendum. A few days
ago, an independence supporter was shot dead by an Indonesian police
officer. So much for the expectation that Indonesia should be given the
responsibility to provide security.

Only yesterday, Aitarak militias surrounded UN personnel and held them
hostage at Gleno as they were returning ballot boxes to Dili. Some reports
from Timor indicate that up to three UN personnel may have been killed.The
task of the Indonesian army, militias and police is to stop independence;
they are not interested in maintaining peace.The UN and western governments
must send a credible peace keeping force to prevent further gross human
rights violations, killings and terror against the indigenous population
and UN personnel. A small and unarmed UN police force is no match for the
evil forces arrayed against them.

Further, international sanctions must be applied against Indonesia to cease
its belligerent and deceitful behaviour in East Timor.

We implore you to take the strong actions we suggest to ensure a positive
outcome for the people of East Timor and peace in the SE Asian region.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew (Andy) Alcock
Information Officer

for the Committee


Phone:  61 8 83710480 (home)            
Pager:  61 8 82734382
Facsimile:      61 8 82236509


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