Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 19:27:33 +1000
From: "Peter O'Dea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: LL:Timor action

I am growing more and more convinced that the picketing of the
Indonesian Embassy in Canberra is almost pointless. We should post a
token presence and move the picketing to both the Australian Parliament
Building and the US Embassy, without delay. What we are witnessing is
equivalent to the holocuast during the Second World War. Australia is a
Switzerland, as complicit in the slaughter of the Timorese as the Swiss
were in the slaughter of the Jews and other races. Let us get real with
Howard and Clinton and embark on a civil disobedience campaign. Let them
lock up Australians in the hundreds and perhaps thousands. That to my
mind is the only meaningful resposes we can deiver as people die.Who
will support me?

Peter O'Dea
Former Secretary
BLF, Canberra.

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