From: suaram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

7th Sept 1999


Solidaritas Timor Timur Malaysia strongly condemns the Indonesian government
and Armed Forces for their violent reaction to East Timor's vote for
independence carried out under the auspices of the United Nations last week.

The East Timorese have made a legal and valid rejection of Indonesia's
proposal for autonomy and voted for independence after 24 years of
Indonesia's illegal occupation of East Timor. This vote is the choice and
right of the people of East Timor, and should be immediately recognised by
the Indonesian administration. It is too late to intimidate the East
Timorese with further violence, killing and mayhem - their decision for

The reaction of the pro-autonomy militia groups and the Indonesian Armed
Forces, which Solidaritas Timor Timur Malaysia considers to be one and the
same, is reminiscent of the way Jakarta was plunged into violence in May
1998 when the Indonesian people demanded the resignation of the previous
President Suharto.

The reaction of the pro-autonomy militia groups and the Indonesian Armed
Forces negates General Wiranto's commitment to reforming the misdeeds of the
New Order under the rule of the previous President Suharto.

The reaction of the pro-autonomy militia groups and the Indonesian Armed
Forces is completely counter productive to establishing a peaceful
settlement with East Timor as an independent state.

Solidaritas Timor Timur Malaysia strongly urges the Indonesian government
and Armed Forces to stop perpetrating violence against the East Timorese
people and immediately recognise their choice for independence.

Released by:

Nadiah Bamadhaj
Solidaritas Timor Timur Malaysia

P.O. Box 675, Jalan Sultan Post Office
46780 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
c/- tel: 03-7943525

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