Defend the East Timorese people.
Support Indonesian workers.

In May 1998 Indonesian workers and students brought down Suharto.

Today the Indonesian military want to control everything they consider
Indonesia, including East Timor.

Today the East Timorese people are being murdered for expressing their
desire for national self-determination.

The Indonesian independent trade unions FNPBI and SBSI recognise the East
Timorese people's right to national self-determination. Today FNPBI
officials are in jail for their union activities and the East Timorese
unionists are under military attack.

Stop the Indonesian military.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions and the Victorian Trades Hall Council
have endorsed industrial action against Indonesian oil shipments, airline
flights, container transport, communications and finances.

Support union bans on business with Indonesia.
Support industrial action against the Indonesian military.

5pm Wednesday 15 September 1999
Indonesian Consulate
72 Queens Road


Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 4:09 PM
Subject: Industrial action to stop Indonesian army

To Whom It May Concern,

The Indonesian Prosperity Trade Union (SBSI) supports the actions of the
Australian trade unions to pressure the Indonesian government to stop the
violence in East Timor and recogonise its right to self-determination.
Though we are opposed to sweeping economic sanctions, we believe these
workers actions are sharp political protests that can help force the
Indonesian government to comply with the May agreement. We are concerned
about governmental economic sanctions because they can hurt workers and
because the Indonesian military may use them to gain an upper hand in the
domestic political struggle.

Nevertheless, we very much support the pickets and industrial action from
the Australian trade unions.


Paul Keys
International Department

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045 Fax: 03 9416 2746


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