Free East Timor
Telephone 02 9394 9323
Fax 02 9262 1279

Urgent - What's on for East Timor September

Sydney events and rallys

Please publicise these events as widely as possible - this is an emergency

Friday 10th September
                12pm - High school students - Sydney Town Hall Square
                1pm - University students - Sydney Town Hall Square NUS
                7pm - Fairfield Catholic Church - prayer vigil

Saturday 11th September
                11am - Major Rally, Archibold Fountain Hyde Park North
                7.30pm - Fretilin/CNRT fundraiser, Fraser park Portugese
Community & Social Club, Marrickville/Sydenham
Sunday 12th September
        Indonesian Embassy
        Contact: Gary McCarthy 0412 733486 CFMEU Organiser

Tuesday 14th September
        12 pm - Uni NSW Rally - Library Lawn Upper Campus
        Contact: Peter Slezak, 9385 2422
        1pm  - Jose Ramos Horta
                6pm - Campaign planning meeting - Level 4, 361 Kent Street

Wednesday 15th September
                5pm - Rally Town Hall Square

For further details ring (02) CFMEU 9394 9494, AETA 9564 5465, ASIET 9690

Phone or fax John Howard - insist Australia support a UN sponsored peace
keeping force be sent into East Timor to restore order:
Canberra phone 02 6277 7700 or Fax 02 6273 4100
Sydney phone 02 9251 5711 or Fax 02 9251 5454


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