[Garuda Airlines is flying people forced on board in East Timor to 
Indonesia according to an article in the SMH. - Trudy]

The Sunday Mail

Peace hopes

 INDONESIA last night looked set to buckle under international
 pressure and accept a peace- keeping force in East Timor. 

 General Wiranto, the head of Indonesia's armed forces, yesterday
 indicated a startling reversal - although Australia's role was still in

 A senior aide to President BJ Habibie said Indonesia should have
 the right to choose which countries were involved in

 In other developments yesterday: 

 Indonesian agents were revealed to be stalking East Timorese in
 Australia and threatening to murder their families back in Timor.
 Brisbane's East Timorese community said a sophisticated
 Indonesian spy network in Australia was passing on intelligence to
 the Indonesian military. 

 Australia was condemned for training many of Indonesia's most
 feared military chiefs. 

 As well, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jose Ramos-Horta has called
 on the ASIO to investigate Indonesian diplomats believed to be
 behind the spy ring. 

 East Timorese living here have reported threats to the lives of
 their families in East Timor. 

 Co-ordinator of the Ipswich East Timor community, Januario
 Cardoso, said yesterday he was threatened twice last week after
 criticising the Indonesian military. 

 And the wife and daughter of an AusAid- sponsored East
 Timorese student in Melbourne are missing, believed dead. 

 The director of the East Timor Human Rights centre in Melbourne,
 Ana Noronha said the student received a phone call the day after
 militia abducted his family. 

 "A man spoke in Bahasa Indonesian, without an accent, saying in
 a sarcastic tone: 'I hope you are feeling well now'," she said. 

 Mr Ramos-Horta, speaking exclusively to The Sunday Mail, said
 the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra and its consulates in
 Melbourne, Sydney and Darwin were "full of military intelligence
 people, keeping an eye on the East Timorese". 

 "They take pictures of demonstrators, Australian and East
 Timorese, and they keep a black list of everyone," Mr
 Ramos-Horta said. 

 Spokesman for the Brisbane East Timor community Joe Teixeira
 said it was common for protesters to be photographed. 

 "They've been very active spying on the East Timorese community
 in the past and I wouldn't be surprised if it were escalating," Mr
 Teixeira said. 

 He said he had been unable to contact his cousins and uncles
 scattered across the Indonesian archipelago during the past three

 "We're dealing with a totally immoral regime here, the sort of
 people who kill 82-year-old nuns," Mr Teixeira said. 

 The revelations follow threats allegedly made by an Indonesian
 embassy official against Gold Coast exporter Peter Crawford last

 He was warned: "The Indonesian secret police's tentacles extend
 far outside of the boundaries of Jakarta and Indonesia". A
 Queensland Police spokesman said all threats should be reported
 to Australian police. 

 Phone calls to the Indonesian embassy in Canberra last night
 were greeted with the recorded message: "Memory is full. Answer
 functions are turned off." 

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