Dear members (and curious others)

This Sunday a very important meeting for the Co-op is on at 2pm, but 
unfortunately it clashes with the East Timor rally. We would love it if you 
could come to both! Why not drop in to the bookshop en route for Parliament 
House (5-10 mins walk).

We have a  Special General Meeting which is to approve a new set of rules 
to bring us into compliance with the new Co-operatives Act - by law this 
meeting must be held before the end of September! You should have received 
a notice in the mail about the meeting with a summary of the rule changes 
(contact me if you didn't).

Our plans are now to approve the rules with minimum fuss  - starting at 2pm 
sharp, so that members can go quickly to the rally. Of course, we will make 
sure members attending can raise issues before the motion to approve the 
rules is put. The only hitch will be if don't get a quorum straight away 
because people are slow to arrive. So please please come to this important 
meeting - and come early.

Sunday 19th September, 1999 - 1.45 for a 2pm start.
at the New International Bookshop, Trades Hall,
cnr Victoria and Lygon Sts, Carlton

Jim Crosthwaite

ps. we are seeking 2-3 bookcases for stocking second hand books at the shop
- preferably 6-7 feet in height. Email me or ring Kent Middleton on
9489-5223 if you can help.


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