Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 1:56 PM
Jl. Jend. Basuki Rahmat No. 7B Jakarta Timur
Telp: 62-21-8561542, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Press Statement

On International Peace Keeping Forces and Military Brutality in East Timor

No. 06/B/KPP PRD/S.Pers./IX/1999

Finally, the Habibie administration forced to obey the international
pressure to allow the international peace keeping forces entering East
Timor. Although it is too late, the presence of the international peace
keeping forces in East Timor for the PRD is a correct action for
guaranteeing the security and peace in East Timor, as well as to protect the
result of the Direct Ballot won by the pro independence people not to be
cheated, cancelled and denied by the pro integration militias backed,
facilitated and supported by the Indonesian Armed Forces and Police.
Accordingly, for the PRD sending the international peace keeping forces are
URGENT and firmly, the PRD supports the presence of this international peace
keeping forces.

The PRD consider further that the presence of the international peace
keeping forces must be followed by an immediate withdrawal of all Indonesian
Military personnel's and the unarmed of the pro integration militias. The
presence of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) and the application of the
Martial Law in East Timor by the Habibie Administration have proven to be
failed in keeping security and peace. On the opposite, the presence of the
TNI legalized by the Martial Law has caused more victims of brutality by the
TNI, Police and militias, total destruction of buildings, houses, even
churches. Many religious leaders like (Fathers, Pastors, and Nuns) were
killed by the TNI, Police and the militias. It is clear then that the
application of Martial Law can never solve the problem, because the main
problem (mastermind) of violence and killing in East Timor and in Indonesia
is the military itself.

The PRD also consider that the killings done by the military in East Timor
strengthen our belief that the presence of the military in social and
political life will only bring about oppression, violence, poverty and total
destruction of democracy, human rights and human dignity. The TNI did the
invasion on East Timor twenty years ago, then for more than two decades they
do massacre for the sake of lasting of the colonialization in East Timor.
The TNI can not and will not accept the result of the Direct Ballot on
August 30. That's why the do not unarmed the pro Jakarta militias and
support the operation for totally burning the East Timor. This is another
proof that the Indonesian military brutality is not less than the brutality
of the Nazi in the Second World War.

When the military is doing the genocide in East Timor, at the same time they
are trying to oppress the principle of human rights and democracy in
Indonesia by applying the Law on National Security and Safety (RUU PKB).
This law is only the other form of the Martial Law No. 23/Prp/1959 applied
by Sukarno regime in 1959. Accordingly, the demand of the Indonesian people
and the students to reject the law is correct and must be supported. Looking
at the case in East Timor, we believe that there is no reason and legitimacy
for the Habibie administration to apply the repressive law. Once we let the
application of the RUU PKB, we are taking the people to the total



Jakarta, 13 September 1999

Central Leadership Committee PRD

Faisol Riza Ida Nasim Mh
Chair Secretary

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