[Is there a trade deal behind this? -- Trudy]

The Sydney Morning Herald

Tibet's never had it so good: Nats MP

Date: 20/09/99


Tibetans were "far better off" under Chinese rule than under the former
"medieval, feudal theocracy" of the Dalai Lama, a senior Federal Government
MP said yesterday.

Mr Garry Nehl, the deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, who
returned from Tibet yesterday, said the progress in Tibet had been "nothing
short of astonishing" since his last visit in 1992.

However, the Australian Tibet Council said MPs were being "manipulated" by
China to justify its continuing occupation of Tibet. It said Mr Nehl's
four-day visit follows another delegation in April, several members of whom
also defended aspects of Chinese rule.

These contrasted with a report by Greens Senator Bob Brown, who visited
Tibet in July as a tourist and said he been struck by the militarisation of
the country.

Mr Nehl, the National Party MP for the NSW seat of Cowper, said he
revisited big towns including Lhasa and all were "virtually unrecognisable
because of the growth and development that has taken place" since his 1992
visit. There were large numbers of new buildings, including schools, office
blocks, department stores and many new small shops.

"There were absolutely no signs of Tibet being a 'police state' nor the
people being oppressed," he said.

"I did not see any road blocks, checkpoints or any other sign of
restrictions on freedom of movement.

"Equally, there were no restrictions on people entering monasteries or
temples and throughout Lhasa there were a great many people perambulating
with prayer wheels and freely prostrating themselves on the ground in prayer."

Mr Nehl said in 1992 the only public transport in Lhasa consisted of a few
bicycle rickshaws. Now there were a large number of taxis.

When he visited the Potala holy place, there were hundreds of tourists
crowding all the rooms, many of whom were ordinary Tibetans and monks.

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