Earthworker, the union-green caucus, has organised a "No Jobs on a Dead 
Planet Tour" which starts 11 November with a superannuation forum.  Come 
along if you are interested in knowing more about how your money is being 
invested, and what influence you can have if you have concerns about how it 
is being used.


Superannuation Forum - Thursday, 11 November, 4-6 pm, Old
Ballroom, Trades Hall, Cnr Lygon and Victoria Streets, Carlton

The forum will explore how superannuation funds can be invested to
create sustainable industries which will deliver jobs and challenge
the destruction of the environment.  There are billions of dollars
invested in workers=92 superannuation, and much of the money is
invested in projects which are fundamentally anti-worker and anti-

Ann Byrne from Superannuation Trust of Australia (STA), Erik
Mather from Westpac Investment Management, and Michael
Pitcher from Schiavello Commercial Interiors, will lead the
discussion and take questions from the floor.

Earthworker hopes to initiate discussions which will be the basis of
a campaign to bring the issue of ethical investment into the broader

Entry:  $5 ($3 concession - including Earthworker members).

For more details of the forum or other =91No Jobs=92 events, contact
Earthworker on 9639 7688, or you can phone Jan Lacey on 9254
1930 about the forum.

Jan Lacey
Information and Welfare Officer
National Tertiary Education Union
PO Box 1324
South Melbourne, 3205

Telephone: 03 9254 1930  Fax:  03 9254 1935



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