High Commission of the Republic of Namibia
New Delhi,  India.

10 November 1999

Irene Gale
Jim Gale Memorial African Scholarship Trust Fund
PO Box 51 Kensington Park SA 5068 Australia

Dear Irene and Friends,

It is my great pleasure to take this opportunity to renew with all of you
our friendship by writing to express our profound appreciation for your
fantastic financial contribution towards our daughter's living allowance and
tuition fees which enabled her to study at the University of Adelaide during
her first academic year.  This was a remarkable work of international

It goes without saying that Mecky's admission at the University of Adelaide
was due to your negotiation skills, and the hard work that you invested in
lobbying the Australian government, particularly AIDAB, to give Mecky a
scholarship after that first year.  Also, we still remember that you were
instrumental in getting Mecky admitted at St Mary's School, one of the best
schools in the state.

We want to thank you and our Australian friends who demonstrated compassion,
care and love to our daughter, who despite being away from her parents,
managed to acclimatize to the new environment and concentrate on her studies
and to perform exceptionally well.  Presently she is at the threshold of
completing her Law degree.

On top of that she is accepted by Adelaide and Melbourne Universities for a
doctoral program.  Isn't that fantastic?

While thanking our friends for their good will and support to our daughter,
we want particularly to thank Mrs James, who has shaped Mecky's academic
career.  Mrs James not only educated Mecky, but she also took her into her
own family as one of her own children.

We know this was not an easy task given Mecky's age at the time.  However,
she and her family succeeded in integrating her in their family life.

Equally we want to thank Linda Gale for her support and assistance to Mecky
and likewise to my wife and I.  Thank you very much Linda.

Furthermore, it is worth mention here that my wife and I were also
beneficiaries of your solidarity support and assistance.  As a result of
your care and support, we got our education, which opened up good
opportunities for employment.

The good will of the people of Australia has not been restricted to helping
our family to get education, but it also involved political, moral and
material support to our national liberation movement [SWAPO].

Therefore, we want to thank all of you for making our independence
aspiration a reality.  In this connection we wish to convey our fraternal
greetings to all State Labour Unions, solidarity groups and church
organisations in Australia and New Zealand.

Finally we wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new

Ndapanda and Joe Kaapanda.


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