East Timor film screening
Presented by Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor

See films by Carmela Baranowska
"Scenes from an Occupation"

Part 1: "Shoot them Dead" (34 minutes)
Filmed between March-May 1999 this documentary follows the growth of
Indonesian military sponsored militia violence and the East Timorese
people's reponse to the unfolding events.

Part 2: The Law of Violence (32 minutes)
Filmed between July-September 1999 this documentary begins the day before
registration commences for the UN ballot on East Timor's future and ends
with the evacuation of the UN compound in Dili.

Thursday 18 November, 7pm
Australian Volunteers International,
88 Kerr St, Fitzroy
Ph 9417 1347 for information

Entry by gold coin donation

Source: ASIET



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