SATURDAY        25/12/99

[The Stick Together Show won't be heard on Xmas Day due to a special Tamil
Community Radiothon at 3CR. Stay tuned as usual next Saturday, 1/1/2000 for
a continuation of our summer programming - Y2K permitting]

MONDAY         27/12/99 6.00 AM  [REPT]

National community radio's weekly look at issues of industrial & workplace
The Stick Together Show is produced at the studios of 3CR, with the
assistance of the Search Foundation. For details of where you can hear the
program, see end of page.


In Australia earlier this year, as a guest of Emily's List and the Search
Foundation, BEATRIX CAMPBELL spoke on the issues facing women in "New
Britain" under the Blair Labor Government.

Feminist, journalist and activist - Bea also has a number of books to her
credit, including "Iron Ladies: Why Do Women Vote Tory", "Diana,  Princess
of Wales: How Sexual Politics Shook the Monarchy", "Goliath: Britain's
Dangerous Places" [on the 1990s riots in UK] and "Return to Wigan Pier"
[which traces George Orwell's classic work of a similar name and documents
the struggles of working class Britain under the Thatcher years.]
Most recently, she has been working on a new book, which looks at the
rising backlash against evidence given by survivors of child sexual abuse.

On today's edition of the Stick Together show, we bring you an extended
interview with Beatrix Campbell recorded during her most recent Australian

Thanks to the Search Foundation's Carmel Shute for assistance in making
this interview possible.

For information / with information or to purchase tapes of the program,
Meredith Butler [Producer]
phone - (03) 9419 8377       fax - (03) 9417 2247
e-mail - [EMAIL PROTECTED] [please mark: "attention: stick together
post - STG, c/o 3CR, PO Box 1277, Collingwood 3066.

Where you can hear the show...Melbourne, on 3CR 855am, Saturday at 10.30am,
repeated Monday at 6am - Gippsland, on 3GCR, Thursdays at 11.30am -
Canberra, on 2XX, Tuesdays at 6pm - Katoomba, on 2BLU, Wednesdays at 5.30pm
- Omeo, on 3HCR, Tuesdays at 6pm - Adelaide, on 5UV, Wednesdays at 2pm -
Sydney, on 2SER. Wednesdays at 8pm - Brisbane, on 4ZZZ, Tuesdays at 1.30pm
- Woomera, on 5RRR - Perth, on 6RTR - Alice Springs, on 8CCC


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