The recent Senate speech of Senator Ridgeway about indigenous deaths in
custody is on a subject we should never let become a case of "out of sight
out of mind".

The NSW ALP government is building a new jail in Kempsey. Rather than
addressing the racist criteria by which the monocultural system of
introduced law operates to fill these jails - rather than reform - we are
to get yet another means of removing First Peoples from society.

Tell us the good news about "reconciliation" again, please, Dr Refshauge.
"The inmates will be closer to their families!" This provides a true
picture of the idea of reconciliation to be found in the relevant
department of state, Aboriginal Affairs, in NSW at the end of the 20th


We should recall the words of Pat Dodson on this subject in his recent
Vincent Limbiari lecture about the need to set these First Peoples free.
Our silence on this issue at this time is participation in the acts of
state which imprison First Peoples.

While we remain in our comfort zones, our indigenous brothers and sisters
are subjected to imprisonment as a sacrifice to the forcefully imposed and
alien values. While we remain in our comfort zones we allow our political
leaders to remain in their very very comfortable zone - a zone of illusion
and pretence that all is well.

All is not well - and it is clear that the message is not getting through
to our political leaders by the usual means by which decent and
intelligent folk communicate. It is time for a better means of getting the
message to the political leadership.

This will require us, groan, to come our of our comfort zones and align
once again - and non-violently - with life.


Building a new jail in Kempsey is sold to the public in the name of
creating more local jobs.

Here's a suggestion in keeping with the true spirit which is to be found
in Dr Refshauge's approach to improving the living standards of Koories at
this phase of the two century long colonial war against them and their
culture: add the words "WORK MAKES FREE" across the entrance gate to the
new Kempsey jail.

And. yes, dedicate the new jail as a lasting "Reconciliation/millennium"
monument by the Carr-Refshauge ALP government in NSW.


Should we not be ceasing from making the ALP state leaders in NSW feel
uncomfortable on this issue every time they appear in public - just the
same as human rights groups demonstrate every time the Chinese leaders
appear in public.

At least the Chinese can point to a long history to justify their less
than human treatment of Tibet's Buddhists. There is no such basis for the
treatment of Australia's First Peoples by the colonial Western state here.

And we should make a special effort to make these NSW state leaders feel
uncomfortable on this issue during the year 2000 - as their corrupt
Olympic Games circus gets underway to divert our attention from life's
real issues.

Come on everyone, out of your comfort zone and onto the streets. Hit the
right note with your singing voices and these jail walls imprisoning our
indigenous brothers and sisters are going to come tumbling down.

Bruce Reyburn 15 December 99


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