Firstly an introduction to those that I have not met - my name is Miriam 
Bellard, I am the International Affairs Officer at Auckland University, and 
am one of the ones responsible for the Auckland occupation last year.  I am 
also a member of Fightback! - the group that was formed out of the occupation.

In Febuary Fightback is holding a national meeting, in Wellington, to 
organise joint nationwide campus occupations, and, as we do not have any 
kind of national activist network,this will be built up as part of the meeting.

At the conference the NBL committed to sending, if money arrangements 
allowed, at least two people to the conference (one of whom must be female, 
or an ethnic minority, or gay, etc.).  We need to start organising this 
staight away as the conference is coming up much sooner than expected.  The 
NZUSA (our equivalent to NUS) national conference stats on the 4th of 
Febuary, and in consideration for the people who have to travel for that 
anyway, and don't want to have to come twice we intend to have our 
conference either just before or just after the NZUSA one (Fightback 
decided on just before, pending agreement with other groups, but it looks 
like we may have left things too late).  We should be able to arrange 
billeting for anyone who comes, but there is no chance of any other funding 
from this end.

Please get back to me as soon as possible,

Yours Sincerely
Miriam Bellard


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