Edited summary
Original message from: John Maynard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Asia Pacific Workers Solidarity Links, Aotearoa New Zealand
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000


A supporter on a New Zealand Waterfront Workers Union picket line died on 31
December two days after having been run over on the picket line by a
four-wheel drive vehicle.

Ms Christine Clarke had joined the port workers' picket during a dispute at
the Port of Lyttelton near the main South Island city of Christchurch.
Unionised port workers and their supporters were stopping vehicles at the
port and handing out leaflets explaining their opposition to the Lyttelton
Port Company's plan to contract out the loading of coal.

Christine Clarke had been standing on the peaceful picket line with her
hands on the bonnet of the stationary four-wheel drive vehicle.  The driver,
a local importer who had already been through the picket line several times
that day, became abusive.  Christine Clarke was run over when the vehicle
was suddenly driven directly at her and then driven off at speed.

Christine suffered head injuries and although operated on for serious brain
injuries she did not regain consciousness and died in hospital.  Police have
arrested the driver who will be facing serious driving charges in relation
to causing Christine's death.

The dispute about the contracting out of coal loading has been temporarily
settled.  The company has agreed to further talks and will not contract out
the work for at least another month.  However the issues at the centre of
the dispute have not been resolved.

Christine Clarke's death is only the second at a picket line in Aotearoa/New
Zealand. Miner Frederick Evans died after a baton blow to the head during
the Waihi
miners' strike in 1912.

The memory of Christine Clarke and her peaceful direct action in solidarity
with workers' protesting against the contracting out of their jobs will live
on in the trade union history of Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Messages can be sent to:
Lyttelton Branch
New Zealand Waterfront Workers Union
Fax 64 3 328 8798

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045   Fax: 03 9416 2746


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