Here's the press release for the Wild Spaces that's on this weekend in 
Hobart. If anyone wants to know any more please email me.

I'm really excited about the WTO footage - I still haven't seen it as it's 
on NTSC but hopefully I will today.


This weekend the Wild Spaces Film Festival returns to Hobart, with new 
films from across the globe.

Festival Co-ordinator Simon Brown said today "I'm extremely excited about 
this festival. We have new films from around the world including Burma, the 
Philippines and the USA, as well as some great Tasmanian and Australian 

The festival runs over two nights with screenings at 7:30 on Friday and 
Saturday night. There is also a matinee of the documentary McLibel at 
3:00pm on Saturday. All screenings are at the Tasmanian School of Art on 
Hunter St.

The festival showcases films with environmental or social justice themes, 
with films including experimental shorts, stop-motion animation, frontline 
footage from environmental actions and documentaries on important issues. 
This is the fourth Wild Spaces to be held in Hobart.

Festival Co-ordinator David Dettrick said "The best thing about Wild Spaces 
is that these are quality, thought-provoking, brand new films that would 
normally be very difficult to see, but we are able to show to the general 
public. There is always lively discussion after a Wild Spaces screening and 
we expect this year to be no exception."

While Friday night is a mix of different styles of films, Saturday night is 
devoted to independent documentaries. Both nights have a bold video 
magazine format and feature recent images from various hot spots, including 
the "Battle for Seattle" early last month.

Says Simon Brown, "These are exciting because they are professional quality 
films made by independent non-profit groups using new video production 
technologies, and then distributed via the internet. Many contain rare 
footage that is just a few weeks old."

More information is available on the Active-Hobart site at

Details:     Wild Spaces Film Festival,=20
                  January 14th and 15th, 7:30pm,=20
                  Tasmanian School of Art, Hunter St.

Contact:    Simon Brown ph. 019 975 349
             David Dettrick ph. 62 333 601
Wild Spaces Hobart film festival info now on:



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