University students angry over Olympics protests move

Source: AAP | Published: Wednesday January 12, 12:45 PM

Powers given to Sydney Harbour authorities to break up unauthorised
protests and street gatherings during the Olympics were disgraceful and
would be defied, university students said today.

Students and other community organisations would defy the ban on
demonstrations in the lead-up to the Games, UTS Students Association
president Ryan Heath said.

'We have already had our right to protest removed in Sydney city on
weekdays, and now any area near the harbour will be subject to the same
anti-democratic policing,' Mr Heath said in a statement.

'It is a disgrace.'

The powers would only serve to 'ignite the frustrations' of protesters,
he said.

The Sydney Morning Herald today reported that harbour authorities had
been given the right to break up unauthorised demonstrations and charge
admission fees and restrict access to public areas during the Olympics.

The new regulations were passed without public debate last October and
similar controls had been given to the Darling Harbour Authority over
Circular Quay and The Rocks, the newspaper reported.


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