Date:Tue, 11 Jan 2000 22:29:10 -0500
From: Andy Lehrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      Fight Union-busting at Greenpeace

Oppose Union Busting at Greenpeace

Greenpeace Canada (GPC), with a budget of over $7 million annually is on a
drive to bust the union of telephone and door canvass employees. The phone
canvass department alone raises an estimated $250,000 in net gains for GPC,
after wages and costs.  They are expected to work unpaid overtime to meet
the unfair labour practice of quota (wages and job security determined on
the basis of funds raised per individual, not based on seniority etc).

Outsourcing has been threatened to companies that have a far lower rate of
return than the phone canvass department. This is explicitly designed to
bust the union, OPEIU local 343. Management has been clear about this from
the beginning. Several employees were fired in the early 90s for trying to
organize a union. The current telephone supervisor Eric Gamble - has stated
that "there is no security in this job. If we want to fire somebody around
here - it can be done easily." They have wrongly assumed that the union
will not fight. Currently, the workforce is completely part-time. Yet it is
only full time employees who qualify for the overwhelming majority of the
benefits, optical, paid vacations, sick time etc.

Currently management is conducting a disciplinary process against union
rep, Jason Baines. It is a matter of discrimination against the union as
other employees who have not obtained "quota" have not been disciplined. It
is the traditional management tactic of victimizing union campaigners in an
attempt to weaken the union and strengthen its overall position.

It will not work. Already grievances have been filed. However this is not
enough. The mobilizing power of ordinary workers and youth is central in
winning gains for telephone workers. It is not just the specific local that
is effected here. It is important for unionized telephone workers to
organize. A victory at GPC will strengthen the union, putting it on the
necessary foundations to unionize of low paid telephone workers.

Please voice your concerns. Call Eric Gamble acting Geenpeace phone canvass
supervisor at 416-597 8409 extension *3009 and email him if possible at

Please demand:

full rights and benefits for part-timers
end harassment of union activists
decent job security and a living wage

If you're a member of Greenpeace or have contributed money to Greenpeace,
please point that out in your message.


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