Media Release January 24, 00


Laws of centuries standing, preventing governments from interfering with 
the bodies of citizens, are to be set aside in the most recent attack on 
our freedoms by the Big Brother Carr NSW government.

In justifying the new laws, Police Minister Paul Whelan said that testing 
could clear up the majority of old crimes, people could prove their 
innocence unless they were concealing something, wouldn't object to being 
required by policemen to put things in their mouths; and if police 
suspected them, then they lost their right to privacy anyway.

Minister Whelan has lost his public touch. We remember the widespread 
corruption exposed by the Wood Royal Commission, and the public outrage in 
1985 at the Australia Card proposal. Australians justifiably don't trust 
police or politicians. No public debate has happened and yet the 
proposition is momentous.

At present the law only requires a person suspected of an offence under 
investigation to submit to testing to help that investigation, but with 
very restricted application and rights of appeal.

To create a database of whoever might offend in the future involves a power 
over everyone, much more powerful than the Australia Card dehumanising 
everyone to a computer readable form. Irresistable to government and big 
business. This is an abrogation of the Universal Declaration of Human 
Rights which states dignity as the foundation of freedom, right of 
recognition as a person (rather than an algorithm reduced from DNA), 
privacy and rejection of retrospective punishment.

Brett Collins
Breakout Design & Print (coordinator)
Justice Action (a spokesperson)
19 Buckland St, Chippendale, NSW 2008, Australia
P.O. Box 386, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia
voice: 61-2-9281-5100 fax: 9281-5303

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