Saturday 12/2/99 2pm
Queensland academic Carole Ferrier launches her latest book, a biography of
the noted writer and activist Jean Devanny.

Sunday 13/2/99
Frank Hardy festival at Trades Hall.

Tuesday 22//2/99
6.30 pm. East Timor: Present and Future
A forum with Fretilin leader and CNRT official responsible for education,
Father Filomeno, and Jane Nicholls, author of Flight 642: Jankarta to Dili.

Wednesday 23/2/99
6:30 pm. Bob Ellis, Labor outsider and general troublemaker, launches his
new book So It Goes, in conversation with Barry Dickins. Promises to be

Thursday 24/2/99 8pm
Which way for the ALP? Andrew Scott (Running on Empty: Modernising the
British and Australian Labor Parties), Lindsay Tanner (Open Australia,
'Labor's Troubled Tribes) and (hopefully - stay tuned for confirmation)
Michael Thompson (Labor without Class). A must see debate!
$5 entry, presented by the Fabian Society.

Sunday 27/2/99 2pm
The Fabian Society presents a symposium of former communist party members,
discussing their experiences and assessment of the Party. Speakers include
Bernie Taft, Roger Wilson, Flo Russell and Stuart Macintyre. Coffee and
entry $7/$5.

Tuesday 29/2/99 6:30pm
Bushwalker extraordinaire Tyrone Thomas discusses his latest publication,
My Environmental Expose, which recounts his first-hand observations of the
degradation of the Australian environment.

Thursday 16/3/99 6:30pm
Sharon Beder, author of Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on
Environmentalism, shows how big businesses have intervened in recent years
to thwart the environmental movement.

Sunday 19/3/99 (To be confirmed)
Paul Mees, head of the Melbourne Public Transport Users Association, talks
about the crisis in public transport and strategies for future development.

All events free unless otherwise noted. Please contact the bookshop for
more details on 9662 3744.



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