The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty will be reviewed 24 April-19 May 2000, 
in New York at the United Nations.  This Conference is particularly crucial 
as it is clear that, on a number of fronts, progress towards nuclear 
disarmament is stalled.  It is very important that the urgency of nuclear 
disarmament is conveyed to the nuclear weapon states and their allies. This 
includes Australia, which could be taking a key role in leading the way 
towards nuclear disarmament rather than accepting inadequate efforts from 
the nuclear powers.

If you would like more information on the NPT review or to receive regular 
updates please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are also two recent publications that provide comprehensive details 
of the state of nuclear disarmament and a way forward, Fast Track to Zero 
Nuclear Weapons and Security and Survival -- brief details of each below.

Fast Track to Zero Nuclear Weapons
The revised edition of the Middle Powers Initiative briefing book Fast 
Track to Zero Nuclear Weapons by Commander Rob Green is now available 
through MAPW.

This book highlights the deepening nuclear weapons crisis, makes the case 
for the feasibility and desirability of rapid nuclear disarmament and 
explores the role that middle power governments, supported by citizens, can 
play in abolishing nuclear weapons.
It provides an excellent overview of the state of nuclear 
disarmament.  Essential reading in the lead-up to the Review of the 
Non-Proliferation Treaty on 24 April till 19 May in New York. 88 pp. 
illustrated.  $20 from MAPW or the first edition is available in pdf format 

Security and Survival: The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention
* How do we eliminate nuclear weapons?
* How would we verify and enforce nuclear abolition?
* How could we safeguard nuclear materials?
* Should we eliminate delivery systems?

Security and Survival helps answer these questions and in developing 
realistic approaches to advocating a nuclear weapons free world. In recent 
years demand has grown for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, a treaty of 
framework of treaties to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons.

Security and Survival examines the desirability of a Nuclear Weapons 
Convention (NWC) and the form it might take.  An annotated model NWC, a 
revision of the draft treaty circulated by the United Nations in 1997 as a 
discussion document, is included.

Security and Survival is co-published by International Physicians for the 
Prevention of Nuclear war (IPPNW), the International Association of Lawyers 
Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA) and the International Network of Engineers 
and Scientists Against Proliferation (INESAP).
144pp. illustrated.   $15 from MAPW or it is available in pdf format at


The Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) is an 
organisation of health professionals dedicated to the abolition of nuclear 
weapons.  There is no adequate health response to a nuclear weapons 
explosion -- deliberate or accidental.  In addition MAPW works for the 
elimination of all weapons of mass destruction and urges that financial, 
technical and human resources spent on armaments be directed to uses which 
promote the health and welfare of humanity.


Clare Henderson
Executive Officer
Medical Association for Prevention of War
PO Box 197
Ph: (02) 6262 9345
Fax: (02) 62629346


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