From: Arun Kundnani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: Asylum seekers in Australia need help

Campaign Against Racism and Fascism -

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Sunday 6th February 2000

Asylum Seekers on Hunger Strike in Australia need help:

you can help by joining international fax protest, model letter and fax 
number at end of message.

Asylum-seekers incarcerated at the Curtin refugee camp in Western Australia 
have been on a hunger-strike since Wednesday demanding better living 

In a letter smuggled out of the camp to a newspaper, the hunger-strikers 
had written, "We are suffering inside the camp. Where is human right. 
Please help us. We will die if nobody come  to help us. We are dying. Hurry 
up before we die."

Australian Immigration Minister, Phillip Ruddock, refused to consider their 
demands for better living conditions and insisted that they communicate to 
others potentially seeking asylum in Australia that they will not be welcome.

Curtin is a disused air-base in Western Australia's arid north-west. It was 
recently transformed into a refugee camp with the addition  of barbed wire 
and guards. It is now mid-summer in Australia, where temperatures in the 
desert are excessive and dangerous. One woman has already been hospitalised 
suffering dehydration.

There are over 1,000 people currently being held at Curtin.  There have 
been numerous attempts at freedom, the most recent in December of last year.

An Immigration Department spokesperson told reporters, "They came here 
expecting a very quick and comfortable process."  The spokeperson was quick 
to add, "They were deluded."

According to UN conventions, to which Australia is a signatory, people 
cannot be treated in ways calculated to make an example of them. The 
Australian Government continues to justify both detention, and now 
indifference to suffering, in terms of deterrence.  Western Australian 
Premier, Richard Court, said that if the refugees did not like conditions 
at Curtin, they should "go back home".

The Minister has disclosed that up to 12 people on the hunger-strike have 
stitched their lips closed.  This is from the newsfeeds: "The detainees are 
demanding their claims for refugee status be processed immediately. They 
also want to be transferred to an open camp in Perth. Mr Ruddock says the 
demands are unreasonable and the government will not be intimidated."

- It should be noted that in a report by the Human Rights and Equal 
Opportunity Commission some time ago, the practices of chemical sedation of 
trouble-makers, force-feeding of hunger-strikers, and the removal of 
protest organisers to the regular prison system is not uncommon in the 
refugee camps.

- Last week, the Migration Amendment Act (1999) (no.2) (or, "Border 
Protection" Legislation) was passed.  This is the latest in a long line of 
changes to Australian migration and refugee law which began with the 
introduction of mandatory, non-reviewable detention in 1992.

- The "Border Protection"  law not only makes it possible to extend powers 
of interception of suspected boats carrying asylum-seekers to outside 
Australian waters, but means that even those who are able to gain 
acceptance of their refugee claims, if they have arrived in Australia 
unauthorised (ie., if they are 'boat people'), they will only ever be 
entitled to a 3-year visa.

- Moreover, the President of the Law Council of Australia has noted, "These 
new regulations will create a new sub-class of genuine refugees-refugees 
with no right to sponsor family or to access some forms of education; 
refugees with no automatic entitlement to Medicare or social security, and 
refugees who will face extra difficulties in finding employment because of 
the visas they are granted."  He also said, "The Convention recognises that 
real refugees typically have no choice but to flee from their situation 
without complying with the niceties of immigration laws."

- The numbers of asylum-seekers compared to other countries is minute. 
'Boat people' gain much media attention, more often than not regarded in 
terms of 'flooding', though numbers here are miniscule: since 1989-90, 
3,568 people without papers have arrived in Australia by boat.  'Boat 
people' invariably signify 'Asian' in the political imaginary.  The 
Department of Immigration has a list of countries and categories of people 
for whom any kind of entry into Australia is illegal (ie., poor countries 
and countries devastated by wars, otherly-complexioned countries) which it 
defines as a list of 'those at risk of overstaying their visa'.  This 
despite the fact that most of those who overstay visa times are from the 
UK, US and New Zealand. Australia has in fact returned to the White 
Australia Policy of the pre-WWII years.

Fax to:

Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
The Hon. Philip Ruddock MP
Address: Suite MF 40, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600
Fax: 00-61-2-6273-4144


Att:  Phillip Ruddock,
Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
Suite MF 40
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Dear Mr. Ruddock,

The demands of the hunger-strikers held at the Curtin refugee camps should 
be met without any further delay.

The treatment of asylum-seekers, who arrive in Australian without prior 
authorization by the Australian Government, is intolerable and unacceptable.

This treatment, including the law of mandatory, non-reviewable detention of 
"unlawful non-citizens" instituted in 1992, has reached truly appalling 
lows in the recent legislation which grants only a 3-year visa to 
unauthorized arrivals, even if they eventually meet the increasingly 
stringent criteria for refugee status.  This is contrary to UN Conventions 
which prohibit discrimination on the basis of mode of arrival.

These laws should be repealed.

Since the legislation also gives you as the Minister of Immigration 
discretionary powers to immediately override the laws relating to mandatory 
detention, the demands of the hunger-strikers should and can be met 

Sincerely Yours,


If you have time, e-mail a copy of your fax to: Angela [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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