The Free Timor Campaign is conducting a letter writing campaign to Kofi
Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations on the issue of the 80,000
or so East Timorese hostages still trapped in camps in West Timor, to where
they were forcibly removed from their homes in East Timor after the August
30 independence ballot by pro-Jakarta Militia and the Indonesian Armed
Forces (TNI).

Conditions in the camps are appalling, with reports of beatings, rapes and
murders continuing to be told by those who escape. The pro-Jakarta militia
and the TNI who were responsible for the devastation of East Timor after
the independence ballot remain the principal forces within the camps.

Under these conditions it is impossible for the East Timorese hostages in
the camps to make a free choice as to whether they wish to return to their
homeland. Reports of death threats against those who attempt to do so
remain common.

The United Nations has announced that the West Timor/East Timor border will
be closed to refugees from 31 March. Furthermore, the United Nations
presence within the camps remains minimal.

What can be done?

Either write your own letter to Kofi Annan or use the working below as a
basis and send to,

Mr Kofi Annan,
Secretary General of the United Nations,
United Nations General Assembly,
New York

United Nations General Assembly,
New York
United States of America

Dear Mr Annan,

        I feel that it is imperative that all East Timorese forced to leave their
homeland since the announcement of the ballot result on September 4 be free
to choose whether or not to return to East Timor without fear or
intimidation, based on accurate information on the current situation there.
To this end I request that the United Nations do all within its power to
ensure that,
        * hostages in West Timor continue to be encouraged and assisted in
returning by the East Timor land border after March 31.
        * the militias that continue to operate in West Timor are disarmed,
removed from the camps, and prevented from harassing or intimidating in any
way East Timorese in any part of Indonesia.
        * the TNI, (Indonesian armed forces) are prevented from entering the camps
or harassing or intimidating in any way East Timorese in any part of
        * international observers under UN auspices be placed in the camps to
ensure that these measures are carried out, and that the people there are
otherwise free from intimidation and have access to accurate information on
the current situation in East Timor.
        * where necessary, given that many hostages and refugees are destitute,
they be provided with adequate transport, support services, and where
necessary food to allow them to depart for East Timor, whether it be by the
East Timor/West Timor border, Jakarta, or any other departure point.

Yours sincerely,


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