8 March, 2000


In a significant show of unity the Bougainville leadership today threw out 
the Government's proposals on Bougainville during the second day of the 
second round of political negotiations being held on Buka Island.

The proposals are contained in the National Government's counter offer 
titled 'Framework to Developing Autonomy in Bougainville' presented by the 
leader of the National Government delegation Sir Michael Somare yesterday.

A broad calition of Bougainville leaders including the Leitana Council of 
Elders, the BPC, President Joseph Kabui and the Bougainville Government Mr 
John Momis said the Government proposal is full of inconsistencies and was 
an insult to their intelligence.  It wants to start the whole process again 
and ignores all that has been achieved so far.

"It appears that the Government is receiving its directions from the 
Bougainville Office for Peace and Restoration rather than the other way 
around and that is from the leaders," said Mr Joel Banam, Chairman of 
Leitana Council of Elders.

Mr Momis said, "the Government wanted a unified Bougainville position and 
we provided it.  They promised action once that occurred and now they have 
not lived up to their promise."

"To say that Bougainvilleans are disappointed is an understatement," said 
Mr Momis adding that the future of the negotiations will depend on whether 
or not the politicians in the Morauta Government can take control of the 

But the Bougainville parties remain committed to the Bougainville peace 

Mr Kabui while delivering his brief response to Sir Michael's presentation 
acknowledged the National Government's commitment to continue dialogue on 
the issues of autonomy and referendum for Bougainville.

"The issues form the main agenda for negotiations contained in the 
Bougainville package presented to the National Government in December last 

"It is on the Government's agreement to negotiate the terms of referendum 
and autonomy that preserves the continuation of the Bougainville Peace 
Process," said Mr Kabui.

With a view to continue the negotiations, the Bougainville Leaders today 
presented a detailed response together with a plan for Bougainville's future.


For further information, please contact
Mr Moses Havini,
Bougainville Respresentative,
Ph: + 61.2.9804.7632


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