The Age

Apologists are revising history to absolve

Wednesday 15 March 2000

Indonesia would not have been able to illegally occupy and terrorise East 
Timor for a quarter of a century without the support it received from the 
West, particularly Australia.

The tactics employed by pro-integrationists in Australia to ensure 
Canberra's diplomatic collaboration with Jakarta were often crude, but they 
were remarkably effective.

Death toll figures in the early years of occupation were revised down to 
mitigate Jakarta's crimes - an act of denial that would have made David 
Irving blush. Subsequent and regular atrocities, such as the 1991 Dili 
massacres, were untruthfully described as "aberrant acts" in an attempt to 
hose down public outrage. The victims were blamed for their "tribal 
war-like disposition", even as they were being slaughtered by Indonesia's 
military forces (TNI).

Canberra claimed that East Timor was entitled to self-determination 
provided it was under the umbrella of Indonesian sovereignty, a meaningless 
and insulting gesture. When this formula was rejected, the concept of 
self-determination itself was attacked as a threat to regional stability 
and "not a sacred cow". On its own, East Timor was said to be economically 
unviable, a reasonable conclusion if you steal its only significant natural 

As the violence reached a level beyond the apologetics of even the most 
loyal commissar, the perpetrators were described as "rogue elements" in an 
effort to exculpate the Indonesian state that the "rogues" themselves 
claimed to be serving. Meanwhile, critics of ongoing human-rights abuses 
were branded "racist" and "anti-Indonesian" by servants of power who 
inferred the only alternative to appeasement was estrangement.

Their most recent tactic is even more brazen. Rewriting recent history to 
shift the onus of responsibility for the collapse of relations between 
Canberra and Jakarta on to the Howard Government has become the latest 
modus operandi of the Jakarta lobby.

One might have been forgiven for thinking that, as a consequence of its 
state terrorism in East Timor, Indonesia bears most of the blame for the 
downturn. Not so.

According to ANU Indonesia specialist Harold Crouch, Howard's response to 
the slaughter in East Timor "was offensive to many Indonesians". The Prime 
Minister's limited cultural understanding of our northern neighbor means he 
"doesn't quite know how to convey things to Indonesians" - true enough 
given that messages such as "stop the killing" fell on deaf ears in Jakarta 
last September.

Former diplomat Tony Kevin also worries about Australia's "provocative" 
behavior. "Indonesian military and strategic elites will not quickly 
forgive or forget how Australian foreign policy cynically exploited their 
weak interim president in order to manoeuvre Indonesia into a no-win 
situation," says Kevin.

Australians may be surprised to learn they were seeking TNI's forgiveness 
for rescuing a defenceless civilian population from yet another Indonesian 
military attack. They may also wonder why Jakarta is absolved of the 
exclusive legal responsibility it sought to maintain law and order in East 
Timor before, during and after the August ballot.

However, raising these questions would only indicate just how "mired in 
anti-Indonesian attitudes" the Australian public had become.

If only Howard stopped basking in "jingoistic self-satisfaction over East 
Timor" and said sorry, bridges with Indonesia could be repaired. But, 
according to Kevin, Canberra isn't up to the task. "This Government would 
not know how to apologise for the way in which our diplomacy exploited and 
aggravated their president's misjudgment and the TNI's subsequent brutality."

Kevin's message is clear. The East Timorese should never have been given 
the choice of independence and it was Canberra, not Jakarta, that 
encouraged the TNI to turn the territory into a charnel house.

Support for this revisionism has come from Jakarta's new ambassador to 
Australia, Arizal Effendi, whose recent National Press Club address 
suggests that Jakarta "doesn't quite know how to convey things to 
Australians". Effendi claimed to be concerned about the "jingoism of using 
the humanitarian pretext to justify unilateral armed intervention into the 
internal affairs of a developing country, including by way of a coalition 
of nations outside the framework of the UN".

He didn't apparently know that InterFET was a coalition of 20 nations, 
authorised by the UN Security Council and, ultimately, the Government in 
Jakarta, and that the issue of "intervention" arose only for those nations 
that had granted Indonesia the right of territorial conquest. In the 
absence of any legitimate claim to sovereignty by Indonesia, most of the 
world saw the UN as finally administering one of its own non-self-governing 

Effendi's prescription for improving the bilateral relationship "based on 
mutual respect" and a desire "not to dwell further on what or who was to 
blame" for the downturn suggests Indonesia has not yet made a successful 
transition to democracy. Is there a "Canberra lobby" of Indonesian-based 
journalists, bureaucrats and academics, faithfully loyal to their southern 
neighbor, who will point out to His Excellency the importance of accounting 
for past crimes and media scrutiny of government behavior in a modern 
democracy? Perhaps President Wahid's new adviser, Henry Kissinger, can 
share his well-known love of democracy with Indonesia's new political elite?

The outlines of a new orthodoxy about events in East Timor last year are 
becoming clear. It's a mixture of inverted history and national 
self-flagellation. Despite the absence of any alternative regional 
responses to the slaughter, Canberra "took too much ownership of the 
process" (The Australian's Greg Sheridan), meaning the East Timorese should 
have been left to their awful fate. Indonesia has nothing to be sorry about 
and no reparations to pay. The Howard Government, on the other hand, was 
"meddling" in Indonesia's internal affairs and has been engaged in 
"triumphalism", "neo-colonialism" and "latent racism" (former diplomat 
Richard Woolcott). The sooner we get back to the "main game" (The 
Australian's Paul Kelly) the better.

Scott Burchill is a lecturer in international relations at Deakin University.


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