Women's Electoral Lobby Australia


To the Canberra launch of
WENDY MCCARTHY's autobiography


At Parliament House, Canberra
-Committee Room 1R1-
(use Main Entrance)
On Tuesday, 11 April 2000 at 5.30pm

Hosted by Senator Helen Coonan, Jenny Macklin MP and Senator Aden Ridgeway


Registrations to WEL Australia, PO Box 191, Civic Square ACT 2608
Phone: (02) 6247 6679  Fax: (02) 6247 4669

Suggested donation $10.00

Title                   Don't Fence Me In
Author          Wendy McCarthy
Published               April 7 2000
Imprint                 Random House
Price                   $24.95


For more than three decades Wendy McCarthy has been at the leading edge of
feminism and public life in Australia. In this candid and fascinating
autobiography she takes us behind the scenes from her rural university
days, to women's rights campaigns of the 1970's, to the boardroom battles
in the ABC and her husband's seven year struggle with a life threatening

Born in 1941, Wendy grew up in Central West NSW, despairing as her witty,
charming father was destroyed by alcoholism. The 1950's offered escape to
university, and the happy discovery of sex and academic learning.

After adventuring and working in Britain and the US, Wendy and her husband
Gordon returned home to start their family and Wendy gradually became a
tireless and effective force in shaping Australian Society.

In the '70s, Wendy worked for the Family Planning Association, lobbied for
child care and abortion law reform, and assisted in the development of the
Women's Electoral Lobby, while bringing up 3 children.

In the '80s, she served as deputy chair of the ABC Board at a crucial time
in the organisation's history, and was General Manager of the Australian
Bicentennial Authority (ABA). In the '90s Wendy headed the National Trust
and the Australian Heritage Commission.

Honest, moving and thought provoking, it is the story of a woman of her
Don't Fence Me In will be available in bookstores Friday
For further information please contact:
Benython Oldfield,
Random House Publicity,
(02) 8923 9836 / 0410 516658.


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